Sunday, November 24, 2013

This Week in Guidance
This week I will return to the Blue hallway and we will read the story "When I feel Afraid". Students will learn what to do when they feel scared. The little girl in the story learns that she can talk to someone who cares about her or someone she trusts like a family member, a teacher, the counselor, or the principal. She also learned that it helps to get your mind off of your worries by talking, laughing, or playing with friends; she can think about something that makes her happy; she could read books, draw pictures, play outdoors, take a walk, make something, play games, sing a song, go to a quiet place where she feels safe and take some deep breaths, say a prayer or think about the good things in her life. When she feels scared at bedtime she can use a night light, sleep with a stuffed animal or have mom or dad tuck her in and read her favorite bedtime story. The story also talks about things that scare young children like storms, the dark, watching scaring movies or playing scary games like zombies. As a parent it's important to realize that times are much different than when we were growing up. Children can easily be exposed to information way above their developmental level simply because of changes in technology. Many people now have over 600 T.V. channels and sometimes our kids, for one reason or another watch movies that are PG-13 or even 'R' rated. Remember there is a reason for the ratings (most professionals believe this information is not appropriate for a certain age group). Many of us spend a great deal of time on our smartphones, tablets, computers, online gaming etc. It's easy to forget that most of these programs and games are not appropriate for young children due to the violence, cursing, sexual themes etc. Another thing parents should keep in mind is that 4- and 5-year-olds cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality so they believe these things are real! If you notice a situation in which your child seems scared, please encourage them to practice the skills they learned from the lesson.

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