Sunday, January 12, 2014

This Week in Guidance

For the next several weeks we will be talking about diversity. This week's lesson is from the book "Accept and Value  Each Person" by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed.  The little girl in the story learns that while we all look differently, dress differently, and have different interests, we should accept people for who they are without judging. She learns that everyone wants to be accepted and that it is fun to learn about others and to make new friends. She also learns that we all have strengths and that we can help others and allow others to help us. She learns that if she has a problem with someone she can use her words to solve the problem. She also learned about the importance of forgiveness. You can help reinforce these concepts with your preschooler. As you notice people who look differently than you point out something positive about the difference and model acceptance of people despite our differences.

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